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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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Economic Development and Regulation Cluster (EDRC)


The mission of the Economic Development and Regulation Cluster (EDRC) is to provide accurate, efficient and timely financial services in the areas of budget development, budget execution, accounting, and financial reporting to support EDRC’s agencies in achieving their core mission.


The following are high-priority tasks that enable EDRC to accomplish its mission:

  • Provide timely and meaningful information to agency directors and program staff.
  • Manage all budget, finance, and accounting activities.
  • Provide financial reports, including Budget vs. Actual Expenditures Report and Financial Review Process (FRP) Report.
  • Ensure the financial integrity of the programs, activities, and resources of cluster agencies.
  • Deliver the right information to the right people at the right time.

Key Activities

The OCFO EDRC team provides budget, financial/accounting support and oversight to 23 agencies, which include core, paper, and independent agencies.

Core Agencies

Paper Agencies
Agencies that have operating budgets and often exist for the purpose of transferring funds to another entity/agency; they also do not normally have staff or a physical location and do not engage in procurement/contractual activities.

  • Business Improvement District
  • DC Housing Authority Subsidy
  • Housing Production Trust Fund
  • Housing Production Fund Subsidy

Independent Agencies

Biographies of EDRC Executive Staff

  • Leroy Clay III, Associate CFO
  • Abukar M. Abdirahman, Cluster Budget Director
  • Dereje Belay, Agency Fiscal Officer for the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking; Commission on Arts and Humanities; and Department of For-Hire Vehicles
  • Joscaira Akhran, Chief of Management Operations
  • Doris Benson, Budget Officer for the Office of Planning
  • Casandra Fields, Agency Fiscal Officer for Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment; Office of Zoning; and the Real Property Tax Appeals Commission
  • Enyew Godie, Agency Fiscal Officer for Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration, and the Office of the Tenant Advocate
  • Curtis J. Lewis II, Agency Fiscal Officer for Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and the Department of Small and Local Business Development
  • Dennis Ramprashad, Cluster Controller
  • Gurmeet K. Scoggins, Agency Fiscal Officer for Public Service Commission and Office of the People's Counsel
  • Beth Spooner, Agency Fiscal Officer for Department of Housing and Community Development, Rental Housing Commission, and the Housing Production Trust Fund

Contact Information
EDRC executive offices are located at 1100 4th Street, SW, Suite E450, Washington, DC 20024. The main telephone number is 202-442-8684, and the fax number is 202-478-9261.