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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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Office of Budget and Planning

Mission and Function

The mission of the Office of Budget and Planning (OBP) is to prepare, monitor, analyze, and execute the District government’s budget, including operating, capital and enterprise funds in a manner that facilitates fiscal integrity and maximizes services to taxpayers. In carrying out its mission, it is essential that OBP provide high-quality customer service to our internal and external customers.

Key Responsibilities

The four major areas of operation in OBP are:

Executive Direction and Support - 

  • Provides leadership, technical assistance, and support services to Office of Budget and Planning staff and other District government personnel.
  • Works closely with budget staff from the Mayor’s office and the Council.
  • Leads OBP’s reporting and web publication efforts to provide citizens with information on District finances.

Operating Budget Formulation and Development -

  • Provides the framework for formulation of the District’s annual operating budget
  • Publishes the operating budget on behalf of the mayor and the District, and
  • Executes the operating budget during the fiscal year.
  • Monitors agency spending.
  • Manages District-wide grant funds.
  • Provides other financial and budgetary services to the mayor, council, and other stakeholders to make uniformed decisions on allocations of District operating resources.

Capital Budget Formulation and Development -

  • Provides the framework for formulation of the District’s 6-year capital budget.
  • Publishes the capital budget on behalf of the Mayor and the District, and executes the capital budget during the fiscal year.
  • Provides detailed reviews of available capital financing, aligns such financing with the District’s annual capital funds budget authority within the debt cap, and works with Treasury to requisition bond proceeds.
  • Provides other financial and budgetary services to the mayor, council, and other stakeholders to make uniformed decisions on allocations of District capital resources.

Financial Planning and Analysis -

  • Monitors and analyzes budgetary activity. Reports on budget revisions and Intra-District modifications. Prepares Financial Status Reports.
  • Coordinates and monitors the financial review process. Provides technical support to the District’s Anti-Deficiency Board.
  • Provides support during the CAFR process and responds to audit requests. Provides tables and narrative for the bond issuance official statements.
  • Prepares the five-year Financial Plan.
  • Prepares labor compensation cost analysis.

Key Staff:

Eric Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Stacy-Ann White, Director for Operating Budget

Kenneth Evans, Director for Capital Improvements Program

Samuel Terry, Director for Financial Planning, Analysis and Management Systems

Contact Information:

Office of Budget and Planning

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 229
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-6234