Associate Chief Financial Officers (ACFOs), who report directly to the District’s CFO, represent the major appropriation titles in the District’s annual budget and manage agency financial operations. Agency fiscal officers report to their respective ACFO, and the ACFOs serve as the CFO’s key representatives to the city administrator and the deputy mayors in managing the city’s finances and the government’s programmatic priorities.
ACFOs manage the following financial clusters:
Economic Development and Regulation includes the departments of Insurance, Securities and Banking; Consumer and Regulatory Affairs; Employment Services; and Housing and Community Development; the Office of the People’s Counsel; and the Public Service Commission.
Education Cluster includes the University of the District of Columbia, Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Non-Public School Tuition, DC Public Schools, DC Charter Schools, State Board of Education, DC Public Charter School Board, and Student Transportation.
Government Operations includes the offices of the Attorney General, Chief Technology Officer, and Finance and Resource Management; the Executive Office of the Mayor; the DC Public Library; the Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization; and the University of the District of Columbia.
Government Services includes the DC Energy Office and the departments of Motor Vehicles, Public Works, and Transportation.
Human Support Services includes the Child and Family Services Agency and the departments of Health, Human Services, Mental Health, Parks and Recreation, Youth Rehabilitation Services and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.
Public Safety and Justice includes the Department of Corrections, Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, and the Metropolitan Police Department.
ACFOs also manage the following independent agencies -- Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation, DC Lottery, Health Benefit Exchange Authority, and EventsDC.