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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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2022 ZZ0 John A. Wilson Building Fund

Friday, September 17, 2021

The mission of the John A. Wilson Building Fund is to provide an efficient, clean, and safe working environment for District employees in a modernized century-old historic building. Easily accessible to the public, the Wilson Building is an emblem of District pride showcased on the elegant Pennsylvania Avenue corridor within the Federal Triangle, just blocks from the White House.

Culminating a five-year renovation, expansion, and restoration, the Wilson Building reopened to acclaim in late 2001. Built in 1904 and later named after the long-term District Council member and Chairman, the building had suffered from neglect and had to be closed in 1996. Preservation-minded District officials emerged with a redevelopment plan and, starting in 1996, the Wilson Building underwent a renovation based on plans from architect Shalom Baranes. The result is a modern workplace for District government that retains much of its historic flavor and texture.

Housed in the building are the Executive Office of the Mayor, the District Council, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, and a number of other District agencies. The Wilson Building will serve the District for many years, while preserving a link to the past.
