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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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2022 CJ0 Office of Campaign Finance

Friday, September 17, 2021

The mission of the Office of Campaign Finance (OCF) is to regulate and provide public disclosure of the conduct, activities, and financial operations of candidates, political committees, political action committees, independent expenditure committees, and constituent service and statehood fund programs to ensure public trust in the integrity of the election process and government service. The Office of Campaign Finance must also fairly administer and enforce the provisions of the Fair Elections Amendment Act of 2018, which provides for the public financing of campaign operations.

​Summary of Services

The Office of Campaign Finance processes and facilitates the public disclosure of financial reports, which are required by law to be filed with the OCF; performs desk reviews and develops statistical reports and summaries of the financial reports; encourages voluntary compliance by providing information and guidance on the application of the District of Columbia Campaign Finance Act of 2011 (the Act), as amended, through educational seminars, interpretative opinions, and the OCF website; and enforces the Act through the conduct of audits, investigations, and the informal hearing process. The Office of Campaign Finance is also responsible for certifying and auditing all participating candidates and committees in the Fair Elections Program, and for enforcing the Fair Elections Amendment Act of 2018 through investigations and the informal hearing process.
