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2021 CH0 Office of Employee Appeals

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The mission of the Office of Employee Appeals (OEA) is to render impartial, legally sufficient, and timely decisions on appeals filed by District of Columbia government employees. OEA has jurisdiction over appeals in which an employee has been removed as a result of an adverse action for cause, placed on enforced leave for 10 days or more, suspended for 10 days or more, reduced in grade, or been subjected to a reduction in force.

Summary of Services

OEA offers District government agencies and employees the following three-part appeal process: mediation, adjudication, and petitions for review. The mediation process allows the employee and the agency an opportunity to resolve their disputes without going through the lengthy and costly adjudication process. The adjudication process results in disputes being resolved by an administrative judge who issues an initial decision and finds in favor of either the agency or employee. The petition for review process provides an impartial review of initial decisions by OEA’s Board.
