The mission of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is to independently audit, inspect, and investigate matters pertaining to the District of Columbia government in order to: prevent and detect corruption, mismanagement, waste, fraud, and abuse; promote economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability; inform stakeholders about issues relating to District programs and operations; and recommend and track the implementation of corrective actions.
Summary of Services
OIG initiates and conducts independent financial and performance audits, inspections, and investigations of District government operations; conducts other special audits, assignments, and investigations; audits procurement and contract administration continually; forwards to the authorities evidence of criminal wrongdoing discovered as the result of audits, inspections, or investigations conducted by the Office; contracts with an outside audit firm to perform the annual audit of the District government’s financial operations with the results published in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and chairs the CAFR oversight committee; and serves as the principal liaison between the District government and the U.S. Government Accountability Office.