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2017 KG0 District Department of Energy and Environment

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The mission of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE) is to improve the quality of life for the residents and natural inhabitants of the nation’s capital by protecting and restoring the environment, conserving our natural resources, mitigating pollution, and educating the public on ways to secure a sustainable future.

Summary of Services
DDOE is the lead agency for creating, promulgating, and enforcing District of Columbia environmental standards, in addition to implementing, through grant requirements and other mechanisms, federal environmental laws and regulations. The department also provides certification, review and technical services to both the District government and District residents through inspections, training programs, and permitting processes, in addition to providing energy-related policy, planning, and direct services. Finally, the department develops and implements innovative solutions and programs designed to improve environmental quality and sustainability in the District.
