Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Executive Summary for Closed Reports
Original Report
Report No. MR-10-1-17-DCLB: Final Memorandum Report on the Overtime Process at the DCLB, dated October 19, 2010.
Current Status
Chief Risk Officer’s Risk Assessment
While the OCFO takes seriously its commitment to managing staff resource costs, risks associated with overtime at DCLB is categorized as Medium. However, all of OIO’s recommendations were considered.
Recommendations Overview
OIO provided two recommendations, and both were implemented in an effort to strengthen internal controls.
- DCLB emphasized, via email, the requirement that overtime be approved in advance of working, in accordance with DCHR regulations.
- Training was provided to agency personnel on the overtime approval policies and procedures.
To view the full report, click Overtime Process at DCLB.