The mission of the District of Columbia Department of Human Services (DHS), in collaboration with the community, is to assist individuals and families to maximize their potential for economic security and self-sufficiency.
Summary of Services
The mission of DHS is achieved via the following agency programs:
Agency Management – provides for administrative and operational support to achieve programmatic results.
Economic Security Administration: Income Assistance Services – Administers the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which provides temporary income support assistance for low-income families while helping them improve their long-term employability and achieve family-sustaining income; administers the Food Stamp program, which is designed to provide supplemental nutrition assistance to individuals and families in need, and support their return to long-term employability; and administers the District of Columbia Interim Disability Assistance program, which provides assistance to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applicants pending SSI determination.
Eligibility Determination Services – Determines eligibility for the District of Columbia’s child care subsidy program and an array of Federal and District medical assistance programs, including Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the DC Healthcare Alliance Program.
Family Services Administration: Homeless Services – provides a continuum of services to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, so that they can obtain and/or maintain improved housing. Family Services – provides social services, case management and crisis intervention to meet the needs of vulnerable adults and families with children.