The mission of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is to provide financial management services to the government and the people of the District of Columbia, to sustain the District’s long-term fiscal and economic viability.
Summary of Services
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer provides enhanced fiscal and financial stability, accountability, and integrity for the Government of the District of Columbia. The OCFO ensures that District spending levels remain within approved budgets and available revenues for each fiscal year, so that spending deficits do not occur; maintains adequate cash balances; minimizes receivables balances; manages the District’s debt and finances in a manner that provides optimal opportunities to maximize bond ratings and minimize the cost of borrowed capital; ensures that the ratio of total debt service to General Fund expenditures remains within a maximum of 12 percent; improves tax payment compliance by increasing collections from the accounts receivable balance and the non-filer population, as measured by percentage change in delinquent collections; develops and supports financial management systems that provide accurate and timely information; and produces the District's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) on time with an unqualified clean opinion.