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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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Central Financial Operations

Deputy chief financial officers report directly to the District's Chief Financial Officer and manage the following central financial operations:

Office of Budget and Planning, which prepares, monitors, analyzes, and executes the District's budget, including operating, capital and enterprise funds, in a manner that ensures fiscal integrity and maximizes service to taxpayers.

Office of Finance and Treasury, which manages the cash and other liquid assets of the District government, coordinates payments to vendors and service providers, accepts payments for services and taxes, manages District borrowings and debt repayment, invests cash not needed for immediate disbursement, maintains relationships with the investment community, and manages the 529 College Savings Plan and the 457 Deferred Compensation and 401(a) Defined Contribution Plans.

Office of Financial Operations and Systems, which brings accountability, discipline and integrity to the District's financial processes by ensuring that standardized accounting practices, procedures, systems, and internal controls are embedded throughout the District's financial operations; produces the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; and administers the District's payroll and retirement systems.

Office of Revenue Analysis, which forecasts revenue for the District government, develops fiscal impact statements for proposed legislation, and performs tax expenditure analysis.

Office of Tax and Revenue, which administers and enforces the District's tax laws, collecting revenues for the city, and records deeds and other written instruments affecting a right, title, or interest in real or personal property.