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2015 CE0 DC Public Library

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The District of Columbia Public Library (DCPL) supports children, teens, and adults with services and materials that promote reading, success in school, lifelong learning, and personal growth.

Summary of Services
The District of Columbia Public Library supports children and adults with books and other library materials that foster success in school, reading and personal growth. DC Public Library includes a Central Library and 25 Neighborhood Libraries providing services to children, youth, teens, and adults. “Library as community space” provides clean, safe and available places for community use. “Library resources” provides books and other library materials, programs and special services for children and adults. “Library technology” helps bridge the digital divide with public access computers and free WiFi at all libraries as well as data bases, downloadable books and music, and library information via the library’s website (

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PDF icon Chapter - 55.9 KB (pdf)
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