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2015 UC0 Office of Unified Communications

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The mission of the Office of Unified Communications (OUC) is to provide a fast, professional, and cost-effective response to emergency (911) and non-emergency (311) calls in the District. The OUC also provides centralized, District-wide coordination and management of public safety voice radio technology and other public safety wireless and data communication systems and resources.

Summary of Services
The 911 Operations Division develops and enforces policy directives and standards regarding public safety communications. The 311 Operations Division processes city service requests and handles telephone reporting of specific crimes. The Technology Operations Division operates and maintains public safety voice radio technology and oversees all land and mobile radio systems tied to the response network. The Transcriptions Division provides audio transcribing for the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Services (FEMS), and the 311 Operations Division. Agency Management administers programs supporting the call center and public safety communications. In addition, Agency Management oversees the employee performance management system, new employee training, and in-service training for OUC personnel.
