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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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2015 SB0 Inaugural Expenses

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The mission of the Inaugural Expenses agency is to consolidate expenses associated with the Presidential Inauguration.

On January 20, 2013, the Inauguration of the President occurred in the District of Columbia.  The event was designated as a National Special Security Event by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, spanned four days, and required extensive coordination, planning, rehearsals, security, logistics support, and cleanup.  An estimated 800,000 people attended the 57th Presidential Swearing-In Ceremony and Inauguration Parade held on January 20, 2013. 

Reimbursement for the Presidential Inauguration was provided by two sources. The first was Local funds from the Contingency Cash Reserve Fund.  The second was Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs found in the District of Columbia Appropriations Act. The table below shows the total expenses for each funding source:

Funding Source Amount Amount
Local Funds (SB0) $8,899,310
Federal Payment (EP0) $9,287,401
Total $18,186,711

In the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, approved January 17, 2014 (P.L. 113-76), the District was provided $8,920,000 to reimburse the costs paid for by Local funds in FY 2013.

The District’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) served as the “state agent” for the event and, in this capacity, the District facilitated the request for partial reimbursement of Federal Payment aid to the Metropolitan Police Department. 
