Monday, June 3, 2013
This file shows the Local Funds FY 2013 Revised Budget, as passed by the Council of the District of Columbia and signed by the Mayor.
Starting from the FY 2013 Approved Budget, the file includes the following changes that have already taken place during FY 2013:
- Carryover from FY 2012 – funds in the FY 2012 year-end fund balance that have available-until-expended budget authority and have been loaded for spending in FY 2013, through April 30.
- Reprogramming – budget authority that has been reprogrammed between agencies in FY 2013, through April 30.
- Contingency Reserve Allocation – allocations made to agencies from the District’s Contingency Reserve Fund, through April 30.
It then adds changes proposed in the Supplemental Budget Request from two sources:
- From Additional Revenue – budget changes proposed based on FY 2013 revenue changes.
- From Fund Balance – budget changes proposed to utilize amounts in the fund balance that are reserved for specific agencies but do not yet have FY 2013 budget authority.