Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Executive Summary for Closed Reports
Original Report
Report Management Alert: Temporary Accounts with Credit Balances in the Integrated Tax System Require Research and Disposition, dated August 17, 2009.
Current Status
Chief Risk Officer’s Risk Assessment
The Inherent Risk Rating for fraud risk is High. Therefore, particular attention is paid all recommendations from OIO.
Overview of Recommendations
OIO offered three recommendations and all three were implemented to further strengthen existing internal controls.
- Unidentified taxpayer accounts are monitored using a system-generated report following the guidelines established by the Chief Risk Officer's Control Test.
- The ten specific accounts were reviewed and resolved.
- Only authorized Users with restricted access can post, adjust and transfer credits/payments within the UTA(s). Control tests are performed quarterly to review activities posted to UTA(s) accounts.
To view the full report, Click : Temporary Accounts with Credit Balance Full Report