Executive Summary: The Office of Budget and Planning (OBP) submitted the FY 2012 Budget and Financial Plan for consideration by GFOA and will also submit the FY 2013 Budget and Financial Plan to GFOA. OBP believes this budget continues to conform to the GFOA’s requirements.
Provides a high-level summary of the budget and financial information, including sections describing new initiatives within the District's proposed budget, the transmittal letter from the Mayor,
information on the strategic budgeting process, the District’s five-year financial plan, detailed information on the District’s projected revenues and expenditures, and summary information about the Capital Improvements Plan.
In addition, this volume includes information about the District's budgetary and financial management policies, grant match and maintenance of effort, a glossary of budget terms, budget summary tables by agency and fund type, and the Budget Request Act legislation that serves as the basis for the District’s federal appropriations act.
FY 2013 Executive Summary Volume 1
Friday, June 22, 2012