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2025 CR0 Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The mission of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection is to protect the economic interests of residents, businesses, and visitors in the District of Columbia by licensing and regulating businesses and enforcing the Consumer Protection Procedures Act.

Summary of Services

To protect consumers, the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) issues business licenses, occupational and professional licenses, special events permits, and vending licenses; registers corporations; investigates consumer protection complaints and conducts mediations; and inspects weighing and measuring devices used for monetary profit.

The former Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) has been split into two agencies: DLCP and the Department of Buildings. All comparisons in the FY 2023 DLCP budget chapter are to the FY 2022 budget and previous data for DCRA.
