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2025 RO0 Office of the Ombudsperson for Children

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The mission of the Office of the Ombudsperson for Children (the Office) is to improve outcomes for Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) children by providing independent oversight of CFSA and other District agencies that have affected the lives of the children under the law.

Summary of Services

The Office will receive and resolve CFSA constituent complaints; facilitate interagency coordination related to issues that impact CFSA children; enhance confidentiality and credibility of the CFSA Ombudsman by instituting improvements recommended by the United States Ombudsman Association; and submit an annual report to the Council summarizing the activities of the Office and its progress in investigating complaints. The Office will also advance the adoption of laws, policies, and programs that benefit the community; increase public awareness of the needs and issues affecting the community; provide outreach, training, and education on issues affecting the community; provide information about existing programs and services for the community; and submit an annual report that includes analysis of the accessibility of District programs, an evaluation of the availability of language access measures, and recommendations for new laws, policies, or programs that address the needs of the community.
