The mission of the DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) is to eradicate discrimination, increase equal opportunity, and protect human rights in the city.
Summary of Services
OHR investigates and resolves complaints of discrimination in employment, housing, places of public accommodation, and educational institutions, pursuant to the DC Human Rights Act of 1977 and other numerous local and federal laws. OHR also prevents discrimination by providing training and education to District government employees, private employers, workers, and the community at large regarding their rights and responsibilities under the law. OHR monitors compliance with the Language Access Act of 2004 and investigates allegations of non-compliance with this Act by District government agencies. The agency also investigates complaints and conditions causing community tension and conflict that can lead to breaches of the peace. The Commission on Human Rights is the adjudicatory body that decides private sector cases after OHR has found “probable cause” of discrimination.