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2023 BJ0 Office of Zoning

Monday, August 1, 2022

The mission of the District of Columbia Office of Zoning (DCOZ) is to provide administrative, professional, and technical assistance to the Zoning Commission (ZC) and the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) in support of their oversight and adjudication of zoning matters in the District of Columbia.

Summary of Services

DCOZ administers the zoning application processes for the ZC and BZA. The agency reviews and accepts applications, schedules hearings to determine whether cases meet specified zoning criteria, schedules meetings to make determinations with respect to pending applications, and issues legal orders. Technology plays a critical role in support of this process by enhancing effectiveness and transparency. DCOZ also spearheads outreach to citizens of the District of Columbia to ensure a robust understanding of the zoning application process.
