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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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Samuel Robertson

Samuel “Sam” Robertson is the cluster controller responsible for accounting, accounts payable, payroll and inmate finance functions within the cluster. He is a big advocate of the office culture improvements and helping the cluster to be best in class. Robertson continues to develop his team by sharing his accounting knowledge, focusing on hands-on-training and cross-training to groom the staff to be the best they can be.

Robertson joined the District government in August 2012, after spending more than 13 years in the private sector. He first worked with the Office of Financial Operations and Systems (OFOS) as a cluster accounting analyst. Some of his responsibilities included assisting the agency accountants with accounting interpretations and preparing notes to financials during audit season such as the fund balance, receivables, due to/from notes and "rainy day" funds calculations. After three years at OFOS, he went to work for the Revenue Accounting Administration within the Office of Tax and Revenues (OTR). There he was able to streamline processes such as the revenue lead sheet and the OTR closing process. He was also responsible for maintaining the MITS subledger module for the accounting administration and was the acting budget director for OTR for more than a year where he managed PS and NPS, totaling $76 Million. 

Robertson is a certified public accountant and has a bachelor's degree in accounting from Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas. He is also a certified government finance manager.