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2020 UB0 Other Post-Employment Benefits Administration

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Other Post-Employment Benefits Administration (OPEBA) agency is used to account for expenditures related to the administration of the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund.

The government of the District of Columbia established the District’s Annuitants’ Health and Life Insurance Employer Contribution Trust Fund on October 1, 1999 under the Annuitants’ Health and Life Insurance Employer Contribution Amendment Act of 1999 (D.C. Official Code 1-621.09). Health and life insurance benefits for retirees are known as “Other Post-Employment Benefits” (OPEB), also referred to as the OPEB Plan. The OPEB Plan includes a trust fund that receives the District’s annual contributions toward health and life insurance benefits for District employees who have retired, as well as premium payments from retirees. These contributions and premiums, along with investment earnings, are used to pay future benefits on behalf of qualified participants. The OPEB Plan is jointly administered by the District’s Office of Finance and Treasury, within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), and the District of Columbia Department of Human Resources (DCHR).
