The mission of the District of Columbia Department of Human Services (DHS) is to empower every District resident to reach their full potential by providing meaningful connections to work opportunities, economic assistance, and supportive services.
Summary of Services
The mission of DHS is achieved via the following agency programs:
Agency Management/Office of the Director: Agency Management/Office of the Director provides executive management, policy direction, strategic and financial planning, human capital management, information technology, capital programs, legislative and community relations, and performance management. The Office of Program Review, Monitoring, and Investigation includes agency risk management, fraud investigation, homeless shelter monitoring, and a quality control division.
Economic Security Administration: Public Benefit Services – determines and maintains eligibility for cash, food, child care, and medical benefits. Case Management and Employment Assistance Services - administers the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) programs, which provide employment and training-related activities designed to improve long-term employability and achieve sustaining income.
Family Services Administration: Homeless Services – provides a continuum of services to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, so that they can obtain and/or maintain improved housing. Family Services – provides social services, case management and crisis intervention to meet the needs of vulnerable adults and families with children.