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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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William Robinson

Agency Fiscal Officer, DC Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board

William RobinsonWilliam Robinson serves as agency fiscal officer for the DC Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board and has been in this position since July 2000.

Robinson joined the District government in 1983 as a supervisory accountant for the DC Lottery and has since held a number of positions within the agency. He was the assistant for financial services and program manager for 11 years, serving as the agency's controller and managing the accounting and financial control functions. He also planned, directed and managed all phases of accounting and budget related operations. During his tenure in the Finance and Administration Department, he was credited as a key player in producing record revenues for the DC Lottery.

Robinson has more than 20 years experience in financial management, accounting, and auditing in the public and private sectors. He is a graduate of Delaware State University, where he earned his bachelor's degree in accounting.