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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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401(a) Retirement Plan

The District's 401(a) Retirement Plan is for employees hired after September 30, 1987 (excluding police officers, firefighters, teachers, and civil service employees).

The District government will contribute an amount equal to 5 percent of annual base salary (5.5 percent for detention officers) to a pension account in the employee's name, beginning with the first pay period following completion of one year of creditable service. Contributions are made each pay period based on the employee's pre-tax base salary (excluding overtime, holiday, and Sunday compensation).

Employee contributions to this plan are not allowed. If an employee wishes to make pre-tax contributions for his/her retirement, they should consider participating in the District's 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (DCPlus).

The Office of Finance and Treasury and the DC Department of Human Resource's Office of Employee Benefits are jointly responsible for the management of the 401(a) plan.

The District's 401(a) Retirement Plan transitioned to ICMA-RC on September 18, 2015. For updated information, visit

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