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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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Budget Formulation Calendar

Budget Guidance: July - September

The budget process begins with the development of the Current Services Funding Level (CSFL) budget. The CSFL is a Local funds ONLY representation of the true cost of operating District agencies, before consideration of policy decisions. The CSFL reflects changes from the prior year approved budget across multiple programs and estimates how much it would cost an agency to continue its current programs and operations into the following fiscal year.  The CSFL serves as the starting point for all District agencies’ Local funds Maximum Allowable Ceiling Requests (MARC).  

Agency Budget Request Development: October - December

Taking into consideration the Executive Office of the Mayor’s (EOM) citywide strategic plan, and following the budget guidance from the EOM and OBP, agencies begin formulating their budget requests.  Agencies submit their proposed budgets to OBP in  December. 

Budget Analysis: November - January

OBP reviews agency budgets during the various development stages for adherence to established guidelines, identified opportunities for efficiencies and incorporated revised economic data into the formulation process.  The Budget Administration and Capital Improvements divisions of OBP creates and submits reports by agency that contain budget analysis and findings to the Mayor’s Office of Budget and Finance (MOBF). These reports describe the fiscal impact of policy decisions on the agencies’ submitted budgets.  

Budget Presentation: January - March

OBP provides the EOM with a thorough and sound analysis of the budget as it is developed and revised during the Budget Review Team and Capital Budget Team meetings where policy priorities are  determined. The Mayor’s proposed budget is finalized for submission to the Council as stated in the Budget Submission Requirements Resolution.   

Budget Request Act and Budget Support Act: March - June

During this period the Council holds hearings, reviews, and approves the Budget Request Act and the Budget Support Act. The Proposed Budget and Financial Plan is submitted to the President and Congress in June or July.