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2015 LA0 Water and Sewer Authority

Thursday, August 7, 2014

District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (LA0)

The vision of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) is to be a world-class water utility, with the mission to exceed expectations by providing high quality water services in a safe, environmentally friendly, and efficient manner.

History: In 1996, the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority was created by District law, with the approval of the United States Congress, as an independent authority of the District Government with a separate legal existence. In June 2010, the agency adopted a new logo and brand name, DC Water, while its official name remained District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. Beginning in FY 2013, for accounting purposes, DC Water will no longer be reported as a component unit of the District Government.

Governance: DC Water’s Board of Directors establishes policies and guides the strategic planning process. The Board is composed of eleven members and eleven alternates, representing the District, Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland and Fairfax County in Virginia. District members establish policies, set rates and charges for District services. The entire Board votes and establishes policies for joint-use services. The General Manager reports to the Board and manages the operations and performance of the enterprise.
