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OIO - Proactive Integrity Survey of the Internal Controls over the Cash Collection Process at the District of Columbia Public Library

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Executive Summary for In Progress Reports

As of January 28, 2014


Original Report

Report OIO No. 13-03-15 DCPL:  Proactive Integrity Survey of the Internal Controls over the Cash Collection Process at the District of Columbia Public Library, dated November 15, 2013.


Current Status

In Progress.


Chief Risk Officer’s Risk Assessment

The Inherent Risk associated with the collections of monies across the District is classified as high risk. The OCFO recognizes the importance of its cash collections and placed particular emphasis on OIO’s seven recommendations.  The average collections are $300,000 per year.


Recommendations Overview

OIO provided seven recommendations, and all seven are being implemented in an effort to strengthen internal controls.

  • The copier contract for FY 2013 expired and the new contract includes replacement of coin boxes with vending machines to ensure that cash collected and counted by DCPL/OCFO employees is the actual cash deposited into the copy machines.  The replacement of the coin boxes with new vending stations is underway and is anticipated to be completed by mid- to late March. 
  • Revised policies and procedures include the reconciliation of the SIRSI Fines and Fees reports with the Daily Cash Collection Summary reports to ensure that cash and checks received and recorded in the library system is the actual cash and checks received and counted by the OCFO.
  • DCPL/OCFO alerted DCPL senior management that the OIO has recommended that they periodically review the fines and fees forgiveness and cancellation transactions to ensure integrity of these transactions and compliance with DCPL Policies and Procedures. Notification has occurred and the periodic review of fines and fees forgiveness and cancellation transactions by DCPL/OCFO and Library program staff will begin within the next 30 days. 
  • Revised policies and procedures include that two DCPL/OCFO employees are present while counting the cash collected from the copy machines or fines and fees.  OFT is working with OCFO staff to understand the capabilities and reporting of the new vending stations in order to develop alternatives to staff’s collection of the copier funds. The alternatives could include outsourcing. 
  • Fans were added to address the ventilation issues so that DCPL/OCFO employees could close the vault room door while counting the cash to ensure safeguarding of the District's assets.
  • Revised policies and procedures include the manual, periodic review of the cash collections from the copy machines to ensure that cash collected by DCPL/OCFO employees matches the actual cash deposited into the coin boxes and the cash deposited into the District's bank account.
  • OFT is working with OCFO staff to review the current policies and procedures for reconciliation of all systems of record (SIRSI, iNovah, vending stations) to the bank statement for tighter controls and oversight.   

To view the full report, click Proactive Integrity of the Internal Controls over Cash Collection at the DC Public Library.